Exciting Releases I Want to Read | What’s on My NetGalley TBR? #4

I am on a quest to finally reach the elusive 80% review ratio on NetGalley. So for some public accountability and to satisfy your curiosity, I regularly share what eARCs are on my NetGalley TBR. Today, I am sharing seven ARCs that I look forward to reading soon. This is your invitation to get a little nosey and have a peek at what’s on my NetGalley TBR!

Foul Lady Fortune – Chloe Gong

Foul Lady Fortune Chloe Gong Book Cover

If you’ve been keeping up with my previous What’s On My NetGalley TBR posts, you’ll know that I actually have eARCs for both These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends. And if you follow me on Goodreads (which you absolutely should, let’s be friends there!) you’ll also know that I am currently reading These Violent Delights. Only took me two years! So yes, I have not read the first books but I still requested this sequel/spin-off! Because I have a feeling I’ll love it and I can’t say no to shiny new releases. Also Hodder and Stoughton somehow always approve me which is just dangerous for my TBR.

I’m really enjoying These Violent Delights so far and I’m very intrigued by the spy vibes Foul Lady Fortune seems to have. I love a good mystery!

All Good People Here – Ashley Flowers

All Good People Here Ashley Flowers Book Cover

Next on my NetGalley TBR is an adult thriller! Most of my thriller reading tends to be YA but I’ve been on a steady quest to branch out into adult books more. All Good People Here is set in a small town in Indiana and follows a journalist returning home. When a young girl goes missing, she is reminded of the murder of her childhood best friend and starts to investigate.

I’ve read the opening chapter and this thriller promises to be tense and atmospheric in the way only tight-knit small towns are. Everything has something to hide…

Love Times Infinity – Lane Clark

Love Times Infinity Lane Clarke Book Cover

Next up, I have an ARC of Love Times Infinity! This contemporary YA sounds absolutely incredible.

Our protagonist Michie is struggling with her scholarship essays. How can she write about family when she’s been estranged from her mother for years and the whole concept feels murky?

When her mother unexpectedly reaches out to reconnect, Michie’s world gets a lot more complicated. Throw a cute boy into the mix and things are bound to get messy.

I’ve really been enjoying YA contemporaries this year. I love a good balance of soft and gut-punchy and Love Times Infinity sounds like it fits the bill! This is one of those books where I kind of don’t want to know more than the synopsis so I can just let the story take me wherever it goes.

Mindwalker – Kate Dylan

Mindwalker Kate Dylan Book Cover

Ready for some YA sci-fi? I sure am! Mindwalker is one of my most anticipated releases of the year because it sounds delightful!

As a lover of sci-fi and superhero movies, this feels like a perfect balance of both. Sil Sarrah is a mindwalker, an implanted supercomputer allows her to take over other people’s minds. When a mission goes south and she is forced to flee, she joins a rebel group to infiltrate them and prove to the company that she’s not a traitor. But her former company isn’t what she thought it was…

I am expecting lots of action, a bunch of cool tech and hopefully characters I’ll fall in love with immediately. I’m super curious to see where the plot takes me, it sounds wild in the most wonderful way!

Never Ever Getting Back Together – Sophie Gonzales

Never Ever Getting Back Together Sophie Gonzales

I am so ready for this book! Two girls are asked by their ex-boyfriend to participate in a second chance romance dating reality show. Except, they end up falling for each other instead!

Never Ever Getting Back Together sounds like exactly my kind of romance. It’s queer and sounds utterly delightful! I don’t watch a lot of reality TV but I love the setting. I just know there is going to be all the drama and hilarious moments.

Oh, and the title being a Taylor Swift lyric just makes this so much better.

Pretty Dead Queens – Alexa Donne

Pretty Dead Queens Alexa Donne Book Cover

My love for YA thrillers and mysteries is neverending. I loved The Ivies by Alexa Donne so obviously, I jumped at a chance to get an ARC and join the street team for her next book, Pretty Dead Queens.

After her mother dies, Cecilia goes to live with her grandmother, a famous crime writer living in a seaside town. Everything seems peaceful…but then the prom queen is murdered and history seems to repeat itself.

I have already started reading the first 20% of this and had such a great time with it. Unfortunately, I was hit by a reading slump. But I just know that I’ll enjoy the rest of the book as well when I finally finish it.

Violet Made of Thorns – Gina Chen

Violet Made of Thorns Gina Chen Book Cover

Finally, I have an ARC of Violet Made of Thorns. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to read this before its publication date as I planned.

Violet is a witch, using her divinations (sometimes more true than others) to influence the royal court. But when she accidentally awakens an ancient curse, the kingdom’s fate depends on her. And on prince Cyrus’ choice of a bride.

This is promising to be an enemies-to-lovers fantasy with a morally grey heroine and I’m super excited to read it! I’ve seen some mixed reviews so who knows if this is going to deliver what I want. Either way, I’m excited to meet Violet because I already like her.

Let’s Chat!

And that’s it for the fourth instalment of “What’s on my NetGalley TBR”. I hope you had fun peeking into my NetGalley shelf. Thank you so much for reading. Now, I’m curious about your NetGalley TBR, let’s chat in the comments!

📚 How many ARCs are on your NetGalley TBR right now?

📚 What ARC are you most excited to read?

📚 Have you read any of the books on my NetGalley TBR? Did you enjoy them?
What ARCs are on your NetGalley TBR right now?

I hope you have a lovely day,

Related: 2022 Releases I’m Excited About!

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