WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday #2 – March 24, 2021

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! We’ve got some sci-fi and a short and sweet nonfiction book I enjoyed. Picking what book to talk about for the Currently Reading section is always hard, I usually read multiple books at once! But for the sake of brevity and your time, I’ll probably only ever pick one to talk about each week. If you’re interested in what I’m reading at any given moment, you can follow me on Goodreads and TheStorygraph and keep up to date! Now let’s get into it.

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words! All you have to do is answers the following three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

An extraordinary and emotional adventure about unlikely friends and the power of choosing who you want to be

Jamie woke up in an empty apartment with no memory and only a few clues to his identity, but with the ability to read and erase other people’s memories—a power he uses to hold up banks to buy coffee, cat food and books.

Zoe is also searching for her past and using her abilities of speed and strength…to deliver fast food. And she’ll occasionally put on a cool suit and beat up bad guys if she feels like it.

When the archrivals meet in a memory-loss support group, they realize the only way to reveal their hidden pasts might be through each other. As they uncover an ongoing threat, suddenly much more is at stake than their fragile friendship. With countless people at risk, Zoe and Jamie will have to recognize that sometimes being a hero starts with trusting someone else—and yourself.

This was on my radar thanks to Lili over at Utopia State of Mind. I’ve been sucked back into the MCU because of the new TV shows so when I found out that this book is a superhero story I knew I had to read it! I’m only a few chapters in, but so far the vibe is exactly what I hoped this would be. I’m gonna be bold here and say that this might be a 5-star read for me…

Related: 5 Books On My Sci-Fi TBR #1

Recently Finished

In A Little Happier Derren Brown draws out the essential discoveries from his international bestseller Happy to help you lead your happiest life.

A Little Happier’s 17 inspiring and reassuring lessons will help you define and find your own happiness. Its lessons challenge us to think differently about the meaning of happiness and how we can over overcome anxiety in a difficult world.
None of this is real when each of us tells stories about our lives in too tidy narratives that are seldom true and rarely helpful.
We should be wary of goal setting: long-term goals fixate us on a future that may not happen and we may not wish for when we get there.
Our partner isn’t right for us because no-one is. None of us is born for someone else. But perhaps those areas of frequent conflict are useful indicators of where we might ourselves be insufferable.

Life is hard, messy and complex. But if we can learn to separate what we can control – our thoughts and actions – from all else beyond our control, we can find a surer footing with which to greet the world and experience our own concept of happiness.

Derren Brown is a magician, mentalist and illusionist and quite possibly my favourite entertainment human ever. I’m a big fan of both his stage and TV shows and his book Happy has been on my shelf for quite a while. A Little Happier essentially takes that book and condenses it down into the essential points. The audiobook is just under 2 hours and Derren reads it himself and I could listen to him for hours! If you’re looking for a quick read about ways that adopting some stoic philosophy into your life might make you happier, this might be for you. I can’t wait to finally read Happy after this!

Reading Next

A thrilling adventure set against an intergalactic war with international bestselling author Charlie Jane Anders at the helm in her YA debut—think Star Wars meets Doctor Who, and buckle your seatbelts.

Tina has always known her destiny is outside the norm—after all, she is the human clone of the most brilliant alien commander in all the galaxies (even if the rest of the world is still deciding whether aliens exist). But she is tired of waiting for her life to begin.

And then it does—and maybe Tina should have been more prepared. At least she has a crew around her that she can trust—and her best friend at her side. Now, they just have to save the world.

If I’m telling you I squealed when I got approved for this arc, I mean it. Victories Greater Than Death is one of my anticipated 2021 releases and I’m so happy I get to read it early! Besides, I’ve been in the mood for sci-fi recently and this should scratch that itch.

Related: 2021 Releases I Have Already Preordered

What’s the last book you finished? Which book are you currently reading? And do you know what you’ll read next?

I hope you have a lovely day,

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