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Weekly Reading Update

Weekly Reading Update #7 – June 5, 2022

Welcome back to my weekly reading update! I’m back from my mini-hiatus and unsurprisingly, my reading life is a mess again. Just when I think I got it all under control, my life mysteriously tends to fall apart again. Entropy and all that. But you’re here to know what I read this week and plan to read, so let’s talk about that in this weekly reading update!

What I Read This Week

Tokyo Dreaming Emiko Jean Book Cover

I did a little impromptu readathon this weekend and finally read my ARC of Tokyo Dreaming. Tokyo Ever After was one of my favourite reads last year and I’m so happy with this sequel!

There’s a lot of drama, new characters to love and even some fake dating! So needless to say, I had a great time with it. I’ll talk more about it in my upcoming review for the blog tour but I especially loved how much poetry was included in the book.

I had big plans to read more this weekend but I ended up having basically no energy so Tokyo Dreaming was my only read this week!

What I’m Currently Reading

As you can see, my currently reading section has filled up quite a bit!

After finishing Tokyo Dreaming, I started my ARC of Hell Follows with Us and wow, this book starts with a bang! I’m incredibly excited to see where it goes, I’m ready for some apocalyptic queer rage.

I also started listening to the Portait of a Thief audiobook! A lot of my friends loved this book but I also know people who didn’t vibe with it, so I’m trying to tame my expectations a little. I’m only a few chapters in so I don’t really have an opinion yet either way.

A while back, I started Win Lose Kill Die and it has been sitting on my nightstand ever since, much like An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth. However, I haven’t been doing much nighttime reading so both of those have remained untouched.

Finally, I’m still reading Pretty Dead Queens. I know, I’ve been saying that for weeks but hear me out. I have a feeling I’ll really love this book and I already loved the first 20%! Now I just have to make sure I can give it my full attention and finally finish it!

The Week Ahead

Let’s take a look at the week ahead and talk about my reading plans!

I am filled with an enormous amount of chaotic energy right now for no particular reason, so I won’t even try to decide which of these books I’ll read. Hell, knowing myself I might start three new ones! But as long as I try to read every day and have fun doing it, I’m happy.

Let’s Chat!

Thank you for reading this weekly reading update! My life has resorted back to chaos but I’m just trying to be along for the ride. Let’s see if I add any more books to my currently reading stack next week!

📚What did you read this week?

📚Do you read more than book at the same time?

I hope you have a lovely day,

Lay signature

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  • Celeste

    I used to read only one book at a time, but lately I find myself with two books going at the same time. But I don’t think I could see myself at your level with 4+ books going at once! 😛 I’d probably feel a bit overwhelmed.

  • Anoushka

    AHHH WELCOME BACK!!! i’m so glad you enjoyed Tokyo Dreaming and CANNOT WAIT for your review!! ALSO ALSO, YOU LIKING HELL FOLLOWED WITH US HAS MADE ME EVEN MORE EXCITED TO READ THE BOOK. SO. THANK YOU!! i hope you love the rest of it too AND AM INCREDIBLY EXCITED TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS!! hope you have an incredible week!

  • Marie

    I’m glad to hear you enjoyed Tokyo Dreaming, I found it to be a lovely read as well, even if I liked the first book a bit better. Can’t wait to hear what you think of Portrait of a Thief, I have this one on my TBR and it sounds really, really good! Happy reading! 🙂

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