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Weekly Reading Update

Weekly Reading Update #12 – August 7, 2022

Welcome back to my weekly reading update! This one is short and sweet because I haven’t been reading much. I spent this week hurting my body at the gym, celebrating my birthday and listening to too much Critical Role. But let’s talk about what I did read!

What I Read This Week

I read one book this week! Yup, only one. That’s a pretty stark contrast to reading 15 books in July but oh well. To be honest, I’m kind of unsure about most of my current reads. Being a mood reader makes it so hard to finish books if I don’t do it within a day or two. Does anyone relate?

On a whim, I started reading the Mindf*ck series! I’m not much of a romance reader but sometimes, I get intrigued.

This series follows a female serial killer who ends up dating an FBI profiler. You can see how that’s not a great match. As someone who greatly enjoys both Criminal Minds and reading nonfiction by real profilers, this series immediately made me curious.

To be honest, all the profiler-y bits were incredibly cringy for me and they just totally break the flow of the book, but I still enjoyed it a lot. There’s just so much tension between the main characters! Admittedly, it is a little chliché and this easily could be a Criminal Minds fanfic…but it’s delightful.

I’ll definitely continue reading this series because now I’m hooked and need to know how this story continues!

What I’m Currently Reading

I am once again being my most chaotic mood reader self. Somehow, most of the books on my currently reading list just feel wrong. I’m constantly tempted to start something new to see if that’s better. It truly is a curse.

I started listening to an ALC of Mindwalker but only made it two chapters in so far. It’s very fun though! It has major Marvel movie vibes in the best ways and I’m sure I’ll end up loving it.

Out of all the books I’m currently reading, I’m the most interested in finishing Win Lose Kill Die and These Violent Delights. Admittedly, Win Lose Kill Die is fairly disappointing so far and I’m pretty sure I know exactly how it’s going to play out…but I want to read the end to be sure anyway.

The Week Ahead

Let’s take a look at the week ahead…

The stress never stops! Next week, I’ll be back to working on my dissertation and phew, being away from it for three weeks has made me really insecure about the whole thing. But I have no choice other than to sit down and keep working on it, I’m sure it’ll all be fine.

As I said, I want to try and finish at least two of my current reads next week! Let’s see if my mood reading makes that impossible.

Let’s Chat!

Thank you for reading this weekly reading update! What’s happening in your reading life?

📚Do you ever get stuck not wanting to read any of your current reads?

📚What was the last book you finished?

I hope you have a lovely day,

Lay signature

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  • Kal @ Reader Voracious

    Okay what the heck WordPress why can I not comment anywhere in Chrome?!?!!

    But that is besides the point. What was my original comment?!?!?! OH RIGHT. Bummer that Win Lose Kill Die is disappointing so far because it looks interesting based on cover vibes, so I look forward to your final thoughts!

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      wordpress is such a mess sometimes, I have a bug that when I reply to a comment from my actual post side instead of through the reader, it doesn’t actually reply?? and yeah, I haven’t picked up Win Lose Kill Die in a month… I’ll probably make myself finish it during a little weekend readathon because I don’t just want to abandon it and I simply have to know if my assumptions about the plot twist are correct 😂

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