August 2022 Wrap-Up Feature Image

The Month That Slipped Away | August 2022 Wrap-Up

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And just like that, August is gone! Taylor Swift truly was right, this month did slip away like a moment in time. Between celebrating my birthday and trying to figure out a bunch of university logistics, I didn’t read as much as I hoped. I guess reading 15 books in July also had something to do with it. However, I enjoyed everything I read in August, which is a definitive win! So, let’s get into my August 2022 Wrap-Up!

The Books I Read in August

The Risk – S. T. Abby

The Risk ST Abby Book Cover

My first read of the month was The Risk, book one of the Mindf*ck series. This romance series follows a female serial killer who ends up dating the FBI profiler who just so happens to be investigating her murders.

I inhaled this pretty much in a single day! While I found some of the profiling bits to be incredibly cringy because they broke the rhythm of the book, I had a lot of fun overall.

Lana is a very intriguing main character to follow and I couldn’t help rooting for her revenge campaign just a little. The romance added a nice touch of softness and tension to this story.

I haven’t continued reading the series just yet, but I’m very excited to see where it goes. I can’t wait for everything to blow up in Lana’s face because there’s no way she’s getting away with this, right?

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

I’m Glad My Mom Died – Jennette McCurdy

I'm Glad My Mom Died Jennette McCurdy Book Cover

Next, I listened to I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy.

This memoir is brutally honest and raw, but also unexpectedly funny. McCurdy writes about her career as a child actress, defined by her relationship with her abusive mother and a series of eating disorders.

This book is not some kind of Hollywood tell-all. It’s a deeply personal story of trauma and abuse. McCurdy writes in the present tense, intimately transporting us into her mind at whatever age she was. She also reads the audiobook herself which, in my opinion, made reading it even more personal.

I fell in love with Jennette’s writing on page one and I really hope to read a novel from her one day! She has such a strong voice and a really good feeling for rhythm, I’d love to see that translate into fiction.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Finally, I (re)read the entire Inheritance Games trilogy! With The Final Gambit releasing at the end of the month, I wanted to make sure I remembered what happened in the previous books. And I’m glad I did! While I have my issues with the series and firmly hate the romance and some plot and character choices, it is also incredibly fun to read. I love the setting and premise and enjoy following Avery as our main character.

I listened to all books as audiobooks while cleaning my apartment, 10/10 recommend. Ultimately, I felt that The Final Gambit was a worthy finale, but I hoped that particularly some emotional arcs would’ve gotten more attention. However, I adored that we finally got a full portion of puzzles and riddles!

My review for the final book will be up sometime this month, but if you’re curious about what I thought of the other books when I first read them, you can find those reviews here and here!

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A Personal Update

Welcome to the little section of my August 2022 Wrap-Up where I talk about myself!

If you’ve been reading my weekly reading updates you’ll already know this, but I’ve officially begun writing my bachelor’s thesis! My deadline is October 4th so please keep me in your thoughts until then. I’m about to be drowning in reading literature and having mental breakdowns. If anyone of you has time management tips and can tell me how I get myself to do boring or hard things, please let me know. I like my research topic but actually working on this thing is shockingly hard.

Weirdly enough, I’m about to sign up for my master’s classes today! As long as my thesis is passable, I can do my master’s degree without issue because there’s no grade requirement. Registration for the classes opens today and I like to be prepared and make sure I actually get into everything I need. It’s weird to think about it when I haven’t even properly started writing my thesis, though.

August was my birthday month and while I haven’t been thriving quite as much as Leo season promised me, I do feel very loved. I’m forever grateful to have amazing friends both offline and online and that I get to be part of this community! The bookish internet can certainly be…a lot, but I love my little corner of it!

Some Closing Words

And that’s it for my August 2022 Wrap-Up! I love how writing these always changes my perspective on the month for the better. Yes, August was over far too quickly and I didn’t accomplish as much as I hoped. But looking back, there were plenty of highlights and I’m grateful for all the good experiences I got to have. That’s one of the reasons I love writing these Wrap-Ups, they give me a chance to truly reflect on my month and find the good in it.

I’m sending you a lot of love and I hope your September is awesome! 💜

Let’s Chat!

As always, I love hearing from you in the comments! Let’s have a chat about our reading months.

⭐️ What was the highlight of your August?

⭐️ What’s the best book you read this month?

I hope you have a lovely day,

If you like my work and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee!


  • Your Tita Kate

    I’m so jealous you’ve gotten to read I’m Glad My Mom Died – it isn’t out yet here and I’d looove to have a physical copy of my own. Glad to hear you liked it, I’ve heard nothing but good things! And good luck on your thesis!!

  • Marie

    Ahh wishing you all the best of luck for your thesis, you can do this!! 💪 I’m glad to hear you overall liked The Inheritance Series. I was intrigued by the first book, but not enough to feel compelled to read the next book right away. Maybe I should give it a try! 🙂

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