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WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday #5 – April 28, 2021

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Welcome back to WWW Wednesday! Today, I have an upcoming release that arrived on my doorstep today, a nonfiction book and some romance! If you’re interested in what I’m reading at any given moment, you can follow me on Goodreads and TheStorygraph and keep up to date!

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words! All you have to do is answers the following three questions:

1) What are you currently reading?
2) What did you recently finish reading?
3) What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

In this must-read book for anyone striving to succeed, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows parents, educators, students, and business people both seasoned and new that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a focused persistence called grit.

Why do some people succeed and others fail? Sharing new insights from her landmark research on grit, Angela Duckworth explains why talent is hardly a guarantor of success. Rather, other factors can be even more crucial such as identifying our passions and following through on our commitments.

I had the audiobook for this on my “to read” list at my library and when I wasn’t sure what I wanted to read, I gave it a go! Admittedly, I am a bit of a sucker for self-help books but usually don’t like all the unnecessary waffle and anecdotes around the important bits. So far, this book has none of that! It’s interesting research and relevant stories. I have no grit and my ability to follow through with projects that require any kind of sustained effort is laughable. It’s definitely one of my worst qualities and I’m trying to work on it because I want to do cool stuff and sadly, there’s only so much you can do in crazy bursts of energy. I’ll definitely report back on whether or not I find this book helpful, I’ve just reached the section that should have some more actionable advice.

Recently Finished

Have you ever imagined running away from your life?

Well, Birdy Finch didn’t just imagine it. She did it. Which might’ve been an error. And the life she’s run into? Her best friend, Heather’s.

The only problem is, she hasn’t told Heather. Actually, there are a few other problems…
Can Birdy carry off a summer at a luxury Scottish hotel pretending to be her best friend (who incidentally is a world-class wine expert)? And can she stop herself from falling for the first man she’s ever actually liked (but who thinks she’s someone else)?

I don’t read all that much adult fiction or romance, but every once in a while I give it a go. The publisher very kindly gave me an eARC for this book and I’m so glad I had the chance to read it! The Summer Job is funny and even though I know absolutely nothing about wine or food, following Birdie’s adventures as a fake sommelier was delightful.

Related: My review of The Summer Job

Reading Next

Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission–and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will perish. Except that right now, he doesn’t know that. He can’t even remember his own name, let alone the nature of his assignment or how to complete it.

All he knows is that he’s been asleep for a very, very long time. And he’s just been awakened to find himself millions of miles from home, with nothing but two corpses for company.

His crewmates dead, his memories fuzzily returning, he realizes that an impossible task now confronts him. Alone on this tiny ship that’s been cobbled together by every government and space agency on the planet and hurled into the depths of space, it’s up to him to conquer an extinction-level threat to our species.

And thanks to an unexpected ally, he just might have a chance.

Oh, nothing much going on. Just quite possibly my most anticipated release of the year arriving almost a week early. No, you’re freaking out! I am so excited to read this, I just have a small (and very stupid) problem. The book is so big and my wrists are weak. Plus, I really want to listen to the audiobook version… So: do I pick up the physical book and read it right away, before release day? Or do I wait until I can get the audiobook so I can listen and read along? Truly, these are the hard questions we face as readers 😂 All jokes aside, I am so excited to dive into this book and can’t wait to see what Andy Weir has cooked up for us this time.

Related: The 2021 Releases I Can’t Wait For

What’s the last book you finished? Which book are you currently reading? And do you know what you’ll read next?

I hope you have a lovely day,

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