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12 New and Upcoming Book Releases I’m Hyped About | What’s on My NetGalley TBR? #5

Since I last shared my NetGalley TBR with you, the ARC mountain has grown. This is actually great news because there are so many new and upcoming books that I can’t wait to read! So welcome to the fifth round of What’s on My NetGalley TBR, where I let you snoop through my shelf and see which books I’m hyped to read soon. Let’s get into it!

Painted Devils – Margaret Owen – May 16

Painted Devils Margaret Owen Book Cover

It’s no secret that Little Thieves was one of my favourite reads of 2021. It was honestly a life-changing book that set the bar for the kind of emotional wreckage and delightful shenanigans I now expect from my favourite books.

So naturally, I’m incredibly excited to read Painted Devils! I know almost nothing about it except that it involves Vanja accidentally starting a cult. I’ll be rereading Little Thieves first before diving into this one and I can’t wait for the chaos Margaret Owen has in store for us!

City of Vicious Night – Claire Winn – May 23

City of Vicious Night Claire Winn Book Cover

City of Shattered Light was a delightful neon-drenched YA sci-fi with hacking fun and cool space guns. What can I say, I love queer space gunslingers (and not just because I have started playing one in a DnD campaign).

You can read my review of the first book here!

I’m curious to see where this one leads after where the first one left off and I’m crossing my fingers that the sequel contains just as many awesome fight scenes!

Saint Juniper’s Folly – Alex Crespo – June 6

Saint Juniper's Folly Alex Crespo Book Cover

Next up, I have an ARC of Saint Juniper’s Folly by Alex Crespo. I would be lying if I said that this stunning cover wasn’t one of the reasons the book caught my attention. Look at it!

Lately, I’ve been diving into spookier genres more and more including horror, thrillers, and suspense. Saint Juniper’s Folly promises to be a YA suspense novel about a haunted house, a mystery, and three teens whose lives intertwine in the wake of said mystery.

Ultimately, it sounds incredibly atmospheric and I can’t wait to read it!

With A Kiss We Die – L. R. Dorn – July 11

With a Kiss We Die L.R. Dorn Book Cover

A thriller with a unique format and also a true crime podcast element? Sign me the fuck up!

With a Kiss We Die follows two college lovers who stand accused of a brutal murder. Their plan to prove their innocence? Enlist a true crime podcaster to help tell their side of the story.

This one promises to be a thrill ride of twists and turns! I just hope it uses the podcast format in clever ways and doesn’t shy away from a critical perspective on true crime, something that’s desperately needed in books of this genre in my opinion!

The Deep Sky – Yume Kitasei – July 18

The Deep Sky Yume Kitasei Book Cover

I always have a hard time picking favourites when writing lists full of upcoming book releases I’m hyped about…but The Deep Sky might be my number one.

First of all, the cover is stunning and I can’t wait to own a physical copy, look at it!

Asuka, though trained at an elite boarding school and chosen to represent Japan on a humanity-saving deep space mission, feels like an imposter. When a bomb kills three crew members and Asuka is the only witness, suspicion quickly turns on her. With the ship barreling off course and crew members turning on one another, Asuka must race to uncover the culprit before all hope in the mission is lost.

I totally expect The Deep Sky to be a 2023 favourite for me and can’t wait to tell you my thoughts in a review when it releases!

Immortal Longings – Chloe Gong – July 18

Immortal Longings Chloe Gong Book Cover

Next up on my NetGalley TBR is Immortal Longings by Chloe Gong, queen of fantasy Shakespeare retellings.

I’ll be the first to admit I know absolutely nothing about Anthony and Cleopatra but I’m tempted to whip out my copy of it (in a big Shakespeare collection with gilded edges, no less!) and read it before diving into this retelling.

I’m particularly excited about the magic aspect of this, jumping between bodies sounds incredibly cool! In true Chloe Gong fashion, I expect there to be a lot of drama, tension, and unexpected twists.

Cold Girls – Maxine Rae – August 22

Cold Girls Maxine Rae Book Cover

I had the honour of being part of the cover reveal of Cold Girls by Maxine Rae over on Instagram a while back!

It’s no secret I am all here for queer stories and books about death and grief…and Cold Girls is both of those! It’s a sapphic YA story exploring grief and survivor’s guilt.

We follow Rory before and after the car crash that she survived but her best friend Liv didn’t.

I expect this book to make me cry a lot but I am also curious to see how it explores the grief of losing a friend and the (often messy) process of trying to heal.

The Reunion – Kit Frick – August 29

The Reunion Kit Frick Book Cover

When a copy of The Reunion landed in my inbox I actually screamed. Kit Frick is one of my favourite YA thriller authors ever since I read I Killed Zoe Spanos and I am so hyped about The Reunion!

A family reunites at a summer resort where secrets don’t stay buried for long. What’s supposed to be a sunny family reunion vacation before an upcoming wedding quickly takes a darker turn and the Mayweathers are left with the deadly fallout of their secrets.

This one has multiple narrators and a dual timeline…and if you know me you know that those are some of my favourite elements in thrillers! I simply can’t wait to devour this book.

Related: My Review of I Killed Zoe Spanos by Kit Frick

The Library of Shadows – Rachel Moore – September 5

The Library of Shadows Rachel Moore Book Cover

Next, I have an ARC of The Library of Shadows on my NetGalley TBR. Ghosts, boarding schools, and old libraries: a perfect trifecta, in my opinion.

Este enrolls in the famously haunted Radcliffe Prep in hopes of finding her dead father. She doesn’t believe in ghosts. But then, following in her father’s footsteps turns more dangerous than she expected and she meets Mateo, who is absolutely a real ghost.

The Library of Shadows promises to be spooky and atmospheric. I am already brimming with excitement to explore Radcliffe Prep for myself. Libraries with hidden passages and hauntings? Sign me up!

The Death I Gave Him – Em X. Liu – September 12

The Death I Gave Him Em X. Liu Book Cover

Out of all the books on this list, this might be the book that feels most like it was written for me.

The Death I Gave Him is a sci-fi retelling of Hamlet, set in a laboratory in the future as a locked-room thriller. Hamlet investigates the murder of his father with only his trusty AI companion Horatio to help him when everyone around him is a suspect.

I read the first chapter of this as soon as I could and friends, it’s incredible. Honestly, I am already 100% certain that this will be in my top 5 books at the end of the year.

As a little aside, I am currently reading Liu’s latest novella If Found, Return to Hell, and it’s brilliant and weird in exactly my kind of way. Needless to say, Em X. Liu has become an auto-buy author right off the bat and I can’t wait to see what they do in the future!

Mindbreaker – Kate Dylan – September 14

Mindbreaker Kate Dylan Book Cover

I’m incredibly excited to say that I got approved for Mindbreaker! Mindwalker was one of my favourite books last year and I’m delighted I get to return to the world Kate Dylan has created.

Born into a religious cult, Indra lives a simple, tech-free existence. But when an illicit trip to the city leaves her dying, she accepts Glindell Technologies’ miracle cure. When she finds herself in a new, fully robotic body with memory gaps, Indra has to find out the truth about Glindell’s procedure before they use it to permanently change what it means to be human.

I’m currently about a third into this one and it’s just as high-stakes and delightful as I hoped it would be! Kate Dylan certainly knows how to deliver YA sci-fi thrills that will have you turning the pages all night.

Related: My Review of Mindwalker by Kate Dylan

Here Lies Olive – Kate Anderson – October 24

Here Lies Olive Kate Anderson Book Cover

Finally, I have an ARC of Here Lies Olive. I was part of the cover reveal for this paranormal YA novel over on Instagram and what can I say, give me gravestones and death vibes and I’m in!

When sixteen-year-old Olive summons a ghost to find out what happens after people die, she must team up with her maybe-nemesis/maybe-crush, her ex-best friend, and a strange new girl to find his unmarked grave before he loses who he is and becomes a danger to everyone she loves.

We all know I love books about death and grief and I can’t wait to see how Here Lies Olive explores those themes.

Let’s Chat!

And that’s it for the fifth installment of “What’s on my NetGalley TBR”. I hope you had fun seeing what new and upcoming releases are on my NetGalley TBR because I loved shouting about all these exciting books!

Now, I’m curious about your NetGalley shelf, let’s chat in the comments!

📚 What’s your current NetGalley feedback ratio?

📚 What upcoming release is on your NetGalley TBR?

📚 Have you read any of the books on my NetGalley TBR yet?

I hope you have a lovely day,

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