What’s on My NetGalley TBR? #3

I can see it in the distance: the elusive 80% on NetGalley. But I’m not there yet. Currently, I am hovering around 65%. Because I need some public accountability and love knowing what other people have on their NetGalley shelves, I’m letting you have a peek at mine. Welcome back to What’s on My NetGalley TBR!

Nettle & Bone – T. Kingfisher

Nettle and Bone T Kingfisher Book Cover

This is the most recent eARC I got and I’m very excited about it! It sounds dark and fantastical in the best of ways. After watching her sisters being abused by the prince for years, Marra, the youngest, decides to do something about it. Asking for the help of a gravewitch, she is offered the tools to kill the prince. But first, she has to complete three impossible tasks.

The premise was enough to intrigue me and I’m curious to see where the story takes me.

Long Story Short – Serena Kaylor

Long Story Short Serena Kaylor Book Cover

Long Story Short sounds like such a fun read! We follow Beatrice, a math genius who’s sent to a Shakespeare summer camp to prove to her parents she can be an average teenager. I love theatre and Shakespeare so this is perfect for me! I’m curious what I think of the romance, those are always 50/50 for me in YA books. But I’m hoping that I’ll love it and get to swoon a lot.

I Kissed Shara Wheeler – Casey McQuiston

I was one of the lucky few people who managed to snag this one up when NetGalley had it on Read Now. Don’t ask me how I managed to do that, I still don’t know.

I’ve purposefully tried to know as little about this book as possible because I don’t want to be too influenced by the hype.

Hell Followed with Us – Andrew Joseph White

Hell Followed with Us Andrew Joseph White Book Cover

A queer and monstrous book? Sign me up! This book sounds delightfully chaotic and unapologetically queer and I’m hyped to read it. I’ve been trying to dip my toes more into the horror genre and I feel like this book is a good step. It’s also giving me strong found family vibes, something I always love in a book!

Tokyo Dreaming – Emiko Jean

Tokyo Dreaming Emiko Jean Book Cover

I loved Tokyo Ever After, which you’ll know if you’ve read my review! So when I got a very special email offering me an ARC and a spot on a blog tour I said yes! It isn’t every day that I get offered an ARC for one of my anticipated releases of the year! I’m so excited to see where Izumi’s story goes. And don’t you worry, you’ll hear all my thoughts about this book when I finally read it.

Ophelia After All – Racquel Marie

Ophelia After All Racquel Marie Book Cover

This might be cheating a little because I’m currently reading this one! Ophelia After All has received so much love from my friends and other readers and I can totally see why! As a gay girl who loves Shakespeare but wasn’t out in high school, I immediately relate to Ophelia. Just from the first chapters, this has the makings of a truly great YA contemporary. If I can wrangle my university deadlines, I can’t wait to continue reading this.

Let’s Chat!

And that’s it for the third round of “What’s on my NetGalley TBR”. I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peek into my current ARC TBR! Of course, there is also my backlist corner of shame that includes a bunch of the books I talked about in my previous NetGalley TBR posts. I did consider putting them on the list again but decided against it to keep this post short and sweet. Thank you for reading!

What ARCs are on your NetGalley TBR right now?

I hope you have a lovely day,

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