What’s on My NetGalley TBR?

Okay, I’ll admit it: I have been requesting too many ARCs recently. But whenever I can actually request something instead of just wishing for it, the tiny crow in my head that likes new and shiny things just takes over. I got so lucky with ARCs recently, too and got approved for some books I’m incredibly hyped about! So today, I present to you another round of “What’s on My NetGalley TBR?” for your snooping pleasure.

Ace of Spades – Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

Ace of Spades Book Cover

This is the newest ARC in my humble collection and I screamed when I got the e-mail! Ace of Spades is one of my most anticipated 2021 releases and I’m so grateful I get to read it early. I’ve been hearing nothing but great things about it and especially CW’s review over on The Quiet Pond made me even more excited!

What We Devour – Linsey Miller

What We Devour Linsey Miller Book Cover

This book has everything I want: glorious death vibes and a main character who is an asexual mortician! Obviously, this book screams my name. So when I saw that it was available to request on NetGalley, I ran. I’ll probably be saying “I’m so excited!” for every second book on this list but that’s because it’s true! I can’t wait to dive into this world and shall be screaming about the book as soon as I read it.

Traitors of the Black Crown – Cate Pearce

Traitors of the Black Crown Cate Pearce Book Cover

This was a spontaneous request because the cover caught my eye. And then I read the synopsis and oh boy: an f/f romance with multiple sapphic identities represented and a main character who disguises herself as a knight. IT sounds badass and dark and queer and I’m curious to see where the story takes me.

Not My Problem – Ciara Smyth

Not My Problem Ciara Smyth Book Cover

A contemporary lesbian romance? Don’t mind if I do! I saw Theresa of Sappho’s Library talk about this book so much on Twitter that I just had to check it out. I’ve really enjoyed all the contemporary romances I’ve read recently, so I have high hopes for this one, too.

You’ve Reached Sam – Dustin Thao

Youve Reached Sam Dustin Thao Book Cover

Everyone and their mother has been crying about this book on Twitter. And because apparently, I love books that make me cry I jumped at the chance when it was a Read Now pick on NetGalley. I haven’t been brave enough to have my heart broken by it quite yet, but when I am you’ll hear all about it.

Kings of a Dead World – Jamie Mollart

Kings of a Dead World Jamie Mollart Book Cover

This ARC was another spontaneous request (do you see a pattern yet?). I don’t know much about the book other than that it seems to be a somewhat dystopian sci-fi story about a city where, to help with dwindling resources, people are put into artificial sleep most of the time. It sounds weird and possibly like something I’d really enjoy.

City of Shattered Light – Claire Winn

City of Shattered Light Claire Winn Book Cover

Sign me up for a sci-fi story featuring disaster sapphics any day! Not gonna lie, I fell in love with the cover. LOOK AT IT! It looks so cool and makes me desperate to run away to a world of cyber crime and badass girls to be my heist buddies.

The Light Streamed Beneath It – Shawn Hitchins

The Light Streamed Beneath It Shawn Hitchins book Coover

This might be the most unusual book on this list. The Light Streamed Beneath It is a memoir! I was immediately interested in it because it’s gay and about grief and death. So yeah, I guess this could be considered an addition to my death book collection! I’m not sure what to expect, I feel like memoirs are pretty hit or miss for me.

The Grave Digger – Rebecca Bischoff

The Grave Digger Rebecca Bischoff Book Cover

And finally, we have an audiobook! I bet you can tell why I requested this (hint: it was definitely the title). I am a big lover of audiobooks and Germany recently finally got the NetGalley app which means I can now request ALCs! The Grave Digger is a children’s book following a young boy who is a reluctant grave digger and one day reanimates a dead body when he touches it. I have a feeling I’m absolutely going to love this, it sounds right up my street!

And that’s it for this round of “What’s on my NetGalley TBR”, I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my current ARC TBR!

What ARCs are on your NetGalley TBR right now? Is there one you’re particularly excited about?

I hope you have a lovely day,

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