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Weekly Reading Update

Weekly Reading Update #1 – April 10, 2022

Welcome to my first weekly reading update! Look at me trying a new thing! I’ve been playing with the idea to document my weekly reading on the blog so here we are. Don’t worry, I’ll try and keep these posts short and sweet. Now, let’s talk about my reading this week!

What I Read This Week

Since this is my first time writing one of these posts, I haven’t fully figured out the formatting yet. But I thought it would make sense to start with the books I finished this week.

So far, I’ve read two books this week! Yeah, I don’t know who I am anymore either. But it’s a nice change of pace from my very slow recent reading months. The 4% Fix was delightfully average and didn’t teach me anything new. However, I enjoyed the author’s voice and it was a nice reminder of the power of making time for the things I want to do! Broken Things is a fantastic YA thriller, possibly one of my favourite books in that genre! I’m still working on my full review for it but if you like angry and broken girls, complex female friendships, and blurred lines between fantasy and reality, this one might be for you.

What I’m Currently Reading

As always, I’m reading a few different books at once. It’s just how my brain works best, I guess.

Clearly, I’m in a thriller/mystery mood! Very Bad People is one of my 2022 anticipated releases and so far, I’m enjoying it! But I’m not loving it as much as I had hoped to, which is making me a little nervous. Who knows, maybe once I’m a little further in I’ll absolutely love it but right now, there’s something missing for me.

Pretty Dead Queens on the other hand is ticking all my boxes! I’m only a few chapters in but just the first page already made me fall in love. I loved The Ivies by Alexa Donne and am very happy that this next one seems to deliver on the same level. I didn’t expect Pretty Dead Queens to be about grief so much but I was pleasantly surprised, somehow it’s exactly the book I needed.

And finally, I’m reading The Stranger Times. I bought it on a whim at my local bookstore because it looked fun and so far it is! I’m not far enough into it to really have an opinion, but I love the weirdness of it all. Every character is strange and broken and everything in this book is just A Mess.

The Week Ahead

I’m at my family home for the week and am going to spend Monday through Thursday making arts and crafts with kids! So I don’t really know how much time I’ll have for reading, but I’m hoping to at least finish the Very Bad People audiobook. I didn’t bring The Stranger Times with me, so that’s going to be on hold until I’m back in my apartment. In an ideal world, I’d also finish Pretty Dead Queens but considering all the other things I want to/have to do (like writing a paper and working on my new fanfiction project for Camp NaNoWriMo), I’m not sure it’ll happen.

Let’s Chat!

Thank you so much for reading this first Weekly Reading Update! I’m hoping it can be a space for me to document my reading, have some sense of accountability and just make space for books I might not talk about otherwise!

📚What have you been reading this week?

📚Do you have any reading plans for the next week?

I hope you have a lovely day,

Lay signature

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  • Sumedha @ the wordy habitat

    I honestly love such weekly updates! Another version of this is “The Sunday Post”, which I used to do on my old blog as well. It’s like a casual catch up with a friend.

    Love how you described the 4% fix as delightfully average haha. At least it was average. And sometimes, we do need reminders of things we already know. Hope you love your current reads! I started Gouda Friends yesterday as a comfort read and am liking it so far.

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      I’m glad you enjoyed this new type of post, I’m having a lot of fun with trying different formats right now! And you’re totally right, one of the big reasons I read those type of self-improvement books is to remind myself of concepts I know…and just have to implement! I’m glad to hear you’re liking Gouda Friends, that title alone makes me so happy 😂

  • Marie

    AHH I’m so, so happy you read and enjoyed Broken Things! I don’t know that many people who have read this book and I personally really, really enjoyed it. I’m glad you did, too!
    Very excited to read Very Bad People, it sounds SO good! 🙂

  • Kal @ Reader Voracious

    I love weekly updates and have toyed with the idea of doing them myself for ages but my reading has been SO SPORADIC I was afraid it would be week after week of “nothing read” and then 5 books in a week ahaha

    I am so glad you enjoyed Broken Things – I have that one on my owned TBR and forgot it was a thriller? Maybe I will pick that one up sooner rather than later… I enjoyed Very Bad People but not as much as I Killed Zoe Spanos. I hope it picks up for you though!

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      Oh, that’s exactly what my reading updates are like as well haha. I’m really just exposing what a mess I am with my (non-existant) reading habits. And Dead End Girls really surprised me, I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did! I love it when that happens and I read the right book at the right time, it’s so satisfying.

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