September Wrap-Up

September Wrap-Up

(Last Updated On: )

Continuing the trend of months just disappearing…welcome to my September Wrap-Up! Because time really has lost all meaning and my mental health has been at an all-time low this past month, I only finished one book. One. Am I gonna get my online-reader card revoked now? All jokes aside, I tend to get frustrated when I don’t read as much as I want to, but some months just aren’t for reading. So instead, today I’d like to share with you some of the other things that I have done that brought me joy.

The One Book I Read

The House in the Cerulean Sea – TJ Klune

I read The House in the Cerulean Sea because everyone on my feeds kept talking about it! It’s a heartwarming story about an orphanage full of magical children, found family and identity with a fantastical twist. It’s the bookish equivalent of a hug or a warm mug of tea. The House in the Cerulean Sea made me laugh and cry and I adored the whimsy atmosphere and every single character. I wrote a full review of it, which you can read here.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Add it on Goodreads!

Content I’ve loved


Whenever my mental health is bad or I have a paper to procrastinate (those usually coincide), I have a tendency to rewatch or start a new TV show. September’s discovery was Lucifer. Crime shows have the most binge potential for me and that’s why I’m currently in the middle of season 4. There’s something relaxing about knowing they’ll always catch the bad guy.

Critical Role

I also started watching Critical Role again! For the uninitiated, Critical Role is a weekly livestream where a bunch of nerdy ass voice actors play Dungeons and Dragons. It’s funny and heartbreaking and has some of the most incredible storytelling I’ve ever seen and it just might be my favourite show of any kind ever. If you’re looking for a lot of content to watch or listen to in Podcast form (every episode is 3-5 hours and there’s a lot of them) and want a balance between painfully beautiful character development and stupid jokes, Critical Role is for you. It’s what got me into playing D&D with my friends and even tho I don’t watch regularly, it’s no doubt one of my comfort shows.

Leena Norms

Leena has been one of my favourite creators for a few years now and her videos bring me immeasurable amounts of joy. She’s thoughtful and funny and very much like the cool older sister I wish I had. She makes videos on books, feminism, social change and really anything she cares about. Her most recent video is her attempt at answering existential questions sent in by members of the Gumption Club (the coolest secret club I have ever been part of tbh). If you feel lost or tired or just want someone to listen to for a while and take something with you, watch this video.

The Stuff I’ve Made

In case you didn’t know: I have a booktube channel! I have no idea how people manage to make multiple videos a week (seriously, tell me your secrets!), but I do my best. Making videos is one of my favourite ways to spend my time (even tho I am still terrible at talking to a camera) and I absolutely love editing! It’s one of the few times where I can really get into a flow and forget everything else.

This month, I finally managed to edit my Percy Jackson 24-hour readathon vlog, it’s full of chaos and me getting progressively more tired, but I had a lot of o fun making it.

After almost 6 months on booktube, I also finally did the Booktube Newbie Tag! So if you want to learn a little more about me, that’s the video for you.

A Few Good Things That Happened

  • I got an offer for a new job! I likely won’t start until sometime in November, but I am so very happy to get a chance to try something new.
  • My local supermarket has my favourite brand of hot chocolate back in stock. That’s definitely my favourite small joy of the week! It’s my fuel for early mornings and long days and got me through the last two years of NaNoWriMo.

And that’s my September Wrap-Up! How was your month? I’d love to hear about the small joys you discovered!

I hope you have a lovely day,


  • Levi

    It‘s really wonderful to read about your small joys and the kinds of content that you connected to this month. I think this way a monthly wrap up is a great place for discovery! (i got reminded that i kinda also rlly wanna check out lucifer shdjsjd)

    Also i‘m happy that you turned your wrap up into this lovely collection of cool media, instead of being too hard on urself for the amount u read this month. We‘re all still not really seeing the world outside of our homes and the occasional supermarket, maybe in regards to that time is allowed to be this weirdly fleeting thing.

    Small joy that I had this week was discovering that Aldi stocks Lebkuchen already!! God i could swim in the dark chocolate ones…

    My biggest congrats again to the job!!! And all the best for ur paper. HMU for plot surgery any time (so i have a good excuse to procrastinate my very own uni work lmfao)

    I can’t wait to hang out with you soon,


    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      Hi my friend!
      I also really enjoyed this format so I think I’ll stick to it in the following months, I love shouting about the art I’ve enjoyed! (And yes, check out Lucifer, it’s a great show with cool characters but it’s also funny and not as dark as I feared)

      And yeah, I’m very glad I caught myself before I could get too frustrated and decided to look at all the other cool things I consumed/made this month. Time is very wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey right now…

      OMG! The dark chocolate ones are the best! Honestly, Christmas sweets are god tier food and anything with dark chocolate is immediately better.

      Thank you for the good vibes re: the paper, once I have managed to actually read that freaking book again and find some more sources, I will most definitely come to you for your plot surgeon talents that have saved my ass so many times before 😀

      I can’t believe I get to say this but… see you next week!


  • linesandlifemiriam

    I super loved this format! I am always curious to see what people enjoyed throughout a month or season. You know I absolutely love it when I see people being passionate about what they love!
    I do hope you start to feel better super soon and I hope you know I’m always here if you need a chat!

  • Ursa

    I’ve heard only good — great — thins about The House in the Cerulean Sea, and I really, really need to find the time to read it too! I hope your mental health will get better in October, and you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself about reading! Remember this is only a hobby, and it is made to bring you joy and comfort! <3

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