
October and November Wrap-Up

It’s time for a double Wrap Up! I didn’t do an October Wrap Up, so I thought I’d chuck the past two months into one post instead. There’s some books, some content I loved and some good things that happened, so let’s get into it.

The Books I Read

The Silvered Serpents – Roshani Chokshi

After reading The Gilded Wolves I was so excited to get into the sequel and luckily, I managed to get an arc for it! While I found Séverin to be even more frustrating in this book, I loved all of the puzzles and problems the group faced and how every one of them dealt with their respective grief. It was certainly a worthy follow-up to the first book and I’m looking forward to the next book in the series! I wrote a full review of it, which you can read here.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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The Inheritance Games – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

This book kept coming across my feeds and all it took was the mention of “it’s like Knives Out!” for me to be intrigued. Knives Out is one of my favourite films of 2019 and while this book doesn’t quite live up to that comparison, it was still very fun! I wished there had been more puzzles throughout the plot and was kind of disappointed on that front. However, I loved the characters and their dynamics and the audiobook provided me with a few hours of pure enjoyment.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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Blazewrath Games – Amparo Ortiz

Blazewrath Games came onto my radar through Shealea from Shut Up, Shealea and I am so glad I gave it a try! It’s a Young Adult Fantasy novel featuring a fantastical sport called Blazewrath that features dragons. There’s also an international conspiracy and a young hero caught in the middle of all of it, when all she wanted to do was play for her country’s team. This book had some incredibly fun twists and a cast of characters so diverse and wonderful that all friends of found family dynamics will definitely love them. If you’re looking for a more contemporary fantasy read with dragons…this is worth your time.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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Written In Bone – Sue Black

Being one of my most anticipated death books of the year, Written In Bone did not disappoint. Sue Black, a forensic anthropologist, takes us on a journey through the human skeleton and shares insights about the stories our bones can tell. It took me quite a while to finish this, purely because there was so much information I wanted to take in and mark for further research. I’ll write a full review of this soon (I promise) but if you ever wondered what secrets your bones hold, this is for you!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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The Martian – Andy Weir

I don’t think anybody is surprised to see this mentioned in a Wrap-Up for 2020. It is my most read book this year and I have zero shame. In fact, I am currently reading it again on the day I am writing this. It’s my personal classic and the default book I can always read! There is a new version of the audiobook available, read by Wil Wheaton, and while I love his voice, the original version read by R.C. Bray is always going to be my favourite, he really brings out the humour and personality in each character.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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The Content I’ve loved

Rosie Crawford

Rosie studied Archaeology and Anthropology at Oxford and documented her time there on her YouTube channel (highly recommend if you’re into realistic study vlogs!). Now she’s doing a degree in Forensic Archaeology at Cranfield and, as you probably guessed, I am living vicariously through her. If you’re interested in forensic science and wonder what a degree in Forensic Archaeology looks like, look no further than Rosie’s videos. She recently shared an excavation practical and I loved the video!

The Good Things That Happened

  • I won NaNoWriMo for the fourth time in a row! This year marks the first year of me possibly actually doing a round of edits on my story (the past years I wrote them for fun with the full intent to never look at them again). My draft is…rough to say the least, but I’m very excited for the daunting project of properly outlining, worldbuilding and writing more drafts. If you’re interested in more details about the story, let me know!
  • I learned how to solve a Rubic’s Cube! It’s one of those things I’ve always had a vague interest in, so on a rainy day, I bought a cube at my local bookstore and thanks to YouTube, I can now solve it! Don’t mind me playing around with it during my online lectures 😅
  • On that note: my semester started in November and I love all of my classes! Especially the one all about the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and media, it’s so cool!

And that’s my two months Wrap-Up! What content have you enjoyed recently?

I hope you have a lovely day,


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