My Current NetGalley TBR

Maybe this is just because I am a curious cat, but I would love getting a glimpse at other people’s NetGalley shelves. So today, I am letting you snoop through mine because I am sharing the arcs on my current NetGalley TBR with you!

Majesty (American Royals #2) – Katharine McGee

American Royals 2 Majesty Katharine McGee book cover

I was approved for this arc a week after the publication date and I still haven’t read it (eternal shame on me, I know). It’s officially the oldest arc on my NetGalley TBR! I picked up American Royals on a whim because my lovely friend Miriam from Between Lines and Life read it, and I had so much fun with it! Royal drama, intrigue and romance was just what I needed at the time. And for someone who usually doesn’t read much contemporary romance, it was very fun and accessible. So naturally, I jumped at the chance to read the sequel. If you follow me on Goodreads or TheStorygraph (which you really should, btw 😉), you might have seen that I have finally started reading Majesty! This means you can expect my review sometime soon. I can’t wait to see how the story continues, the first book left us with quite a shocking development…

These Violent Delights – Chloe Gong

These Violent Delights Chloe Gong book cover

Considering how many times I’ve mentioned this book, it really should be a crime that I’m still reading it. These Violent Delights is a firm 5-star prediction and I am already obsessed with it. So really all I have to do is brace myself for having my heart broken and finally commit to this wonderful story. Luckily, the sequel is coming out later this year and I have already preordered it, so I won’t have to wait long to know how the story of Roma and Juliette continues!

These Violent Delights is also on my 21 for 2021 list!

The Shadow in the Glass – JJA Harwood

The Shadow in the Glass JJA Harwood book cover

I did a little happy dance when my wish for this arc was approved! It happened right before Christmas and I’d like to consider it a present from the universe. The Shadow in the Glass is a dark and gothic Cinderella retelling that sounds right up my alley. I mean, magical wishes and curses all set in Victorian times? Come on, that sounds absolutely delicious!

Release date: March 18 – HarperVoyager

In the Ravenous Dark – A. M. Strickland

In the Ravenous Dark A.M. Strickland book cover

“A pansexual bloodmage reluctantly teams up with an undead spirit to start a rebellion among the living and the dead.” That’s the tagline for In the Ravenous Dark and it’s all it took for me to click “request”. I love queer fantasy books and books with death vibes and this sounds both deliciously dark and queer! 

Release date: May 18 – Imprint

The Summer Job – Lizzy Dent

The Summer Job Lizzy Dent book cover

This arc found its way onto my shelf through a very lovely email from a Penguin publicist. Because I read and reviewed Beach Read, they figured I might enjoy The Summer Job, too! I really hope that turns out to be true because The Summer Job sounds incredibly fun! A case of mistaken identity and a luxury holiday? Sign me up for what is sure to be a wild (and of course romantic) ride.

Release date: April 15 – Viking

You and Me on Vacation – Emily Henry

You and Me on Vacation Emily Henry book cover

And finally, Emily Henry’s newest novel. Beach Read took me by surprise and was the book that made me go “hang on, I think I need to read more romance!” so when I was offered an arc for this book, I jumped on the chance! You and Me on Vacation is a friends to lovers romance across multiple years of summer vacations. If that doesn’t make you swoon (and want to jump into the nearest pool), I don’t know what will. I can’t wait to meet the main characters, Poppy and Alex, and follow their story!

Release date: July 8 – Penguin

Thank you so much for sticking around! Let’s have a chat in the comments!

Are you on NetGalley? What books are on your NetGalley TBR right now? Which arc are you the most excited about?

I hope you have a lovely day,


  • linesandlifemiriam

    I actually own Majesty, but…. well let’s say I’m cautious xD So, keep me posted! (also, thank you so much for the shoutout, love! The drama really got me there :D)
    Also, super curious to hear your thoughts on “In the Ravenous Dark”, it sounds brilliant!
    And of course, Emily Henry’s newest! You know how much I adore Beach Read!

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      So far I’m really enjoying Majesty! It’s the perfect escapism book and I feel like it looks a bit more at how restricting and lonely being royal can be. And yes, I will keep you updated on those two 😁

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      Haha, it’s probably because I only started using NetGalley last August or so and I’m trying very hard not to request too much 😂 If it’s any help, I also don’t feel on top of mine, even tho it’s fairly short! It’s an eternal struggle.

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