Galleyathon TBR

Welcome to my small TBR for Galleyathon! It’s a week-long readathon running from November 9th – 15th with the purpose of helping us clear out our NetGalley shelves. Let’s try and reach that 80% feedback ratio, shall we?

There’s four prompts:
✨ your newest arc
✨ your oldest arc
✨ an arc you’re excited for
✨ an arc you regret requesting

I’m lucky: I only have four arcs to read right now and they fit the prompts!

Newest Arc: The Summer Job – Lizzie Dent

I actually got an email from someone working at Penguin letting me know about this book! They saw I had read and reviewed Beach Read through NetGalley and thought I might like The Summer Job as well. I’m not the biggest reader of contemporary romances, but they have been known to get me out of reading slumps and that’s just what I need!

Oldest Arc: These Violent Delights – Chloe Gong

This also happens to be one of my most anticipated books of the year! No idea how I got an arc for it, but I’m so happy I did! I actually started reading this when I first got it (which was… a while ago) and immediately fell in love…and then stopped reading. Does anyone else does this, where they absolutely adore a story but then just put it down? Well, Galleyathon is the perfect time for me to finally read this book, it comes out on the 15th! I am fairly certain that this is going to be a 5-star-read for me, let’s see if I am right.

Arc you’re excited for: The Ravens – Kass Morgan, Danielle Paige

This is a dark contemporary fantasy all about a sorority of witches! I fell in love with the cover and the premise and I do love all things witchy. The Ravens sounds like it’s going to be filled with drama and intrigue and I can’t wait to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate as I read it.

Arc you regret requesting: Majesty (American Royals #2) – Katharine McGee

I bought American Royals on a whim last year and it was such a light and fun read with all the romance drama troped you’d expect. So I was very intrigued to see how the story would continue. This book came out in September and I have only just been approved for my arc and I gotta say…having read some reviews, I’m not as excited for it anymore! But now I have the arc and I might as well read it and form my own opinion…but if NetGalley had an option to withdraw requests, this would’ve been a candidate.

That’s my Galleyathon TBR! Are you participating as well? Let me know which of your arcs you plan on reading! I hope you have a lovely day,

One Comment

  • linesandlifemiriam

    Oh, exciting!
    Look at you following into my footsteps with those romances 😛
    I’m so curious about The Ravens, you’ll have to tell me how you like it!
    Ah, yes, American Royals… I’m also a bit hesitant to pick it up, I ordered it for Christmas, so I’m curious to hear your thoughts there too.

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