5 Purple Books on my TBR
TBR Chronicles,  Five Books,  TBR

5 Purple Books on my TBR | TBR Chronicles

My To Be Read (TBR) pile has gotten pretty out of hand. As someone who is lucky enough to make extra income and has access to various means of buying books, I have slowly acquired a lot of them. And because a lot of my TBR is digital, I often forget what’s actually on there. So to give me a reason to actually look through my collection and maybe discover my next read in the process, welcome to The TBR Chronicles! It’s a framework for me to pick different books from my TBR according to prompts/categories. Maybe I’ll discover some long-forgotten backlist gems? Today, in a crossover with my 5 Books feature, I’m talking about 5 purple books on my TBR!

These Witches Don’t Burn – Isabel Sterling


After reading The Monarchs in January, I’ve been in the mood for witchy books. So while going through my TBR for purple books, I remembered this one!

These Witches Don’t Burn is currently sitting on my desk as a reminder to pick it up soon. I read The Coldest Touch by Isabel Sterling recently and loved it, so I have high hopes for this one, too. I can’t go wrong with sapphic witches, can I?

I actually got this one because Lili @ Utopia State of Mind talked about it on her bookstagram!

The Bone Witch – Rin Chupeco

The Bone Witch Rin Chupeco Book Cover

And we continue with another witchy book that’s been on my TBR for ages! I also bought this because some of my favourite bloggers/bookstagrammers talked about it. Yes, I am very easily persuaded.

I’m super excited to read this whole series because it seems right up my street! I haven’t read any of Rin Chupeco’s books yet but I’m looking forward to exploring their work.

This is also potentially one of my favourite covers! I just love the purple and the gold details, something about it is very pleasing to my tiny brain.

Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex – Angela Chen

Ace Angela Chen Book Cover

Wouldn’t be a book list by me with a sprinkle of non-fiction now would it? The audiobook for Ace has been on my TBR for quite a while. Every time I see someone read it I get reminded that I also want to read it…but the time is never quite right.

Being on the asexual spectrum myself, I’m curious to read more about it and get some outside input. I’m pretty sure this is one of those books where eventually I’ll want a physical copy to annotate!

Blood Like Magic – Liselle Sambury

Blood Like Magic Liselle Sambury Book Cover

Want to hear something embarrassing? Blood Like Magic was on my anticipated 2021 releases list. And I still haven’t read it. In fact, until I went looking for purple books, my brain was so rude as to forget its existence. That’s a shame because the premise is so good! A teen witch must kill her first love in order to save her family’s magic. The problem: she has never been in love.

That description immediately got me hooked so I’m a little embarrassed I still haven’t read this one yet.

I also follow Liselle Sambury’s YouTube channel and enjoy her writing videos. So now I’m extra excited to read this, hopefully soon! Feel free to come scream at me on Twitter to read it, thanks!

The Box in the Woods – Maureen Johnson

The Box in the Woods Maureen Johnson Book Cover

Do I have a fear of commitment or am I simply afraid of being disappointed by one of my favourite series? Who knows!

I was (and still am) super hyped about The Box in the Woods because I loved the Truly Devious trilogy so much! But as it often happens with books I’m excited about, they also scare me. What if it’s not as good as the last one? What if it’s too good and I have to wait forever for the next one? Maybe you can relate!

So for one reason or another, this one has sat untouched on my shelf. I was also sort of saving it for a hypothetical “Lay reads YA mysteries and tries to solve them” YouTube video series. But my booktube channel has yet to be revived so maybe I should just fucking read this book and stop worrying about it!

Let’s Chat!

And those are five purple books on my TBR! Wanna know a secret? I have at least 10 more! So watch this space for more purple books soon. If there’s a category or prompt you’d love to see from my TBR please let me know! It can be literally anything, from genres to tropes to books with birds on the cover. Anything goes!

💜 Have you read any of these books yet? What did you think?

💜 Are there any purple books on your TBR?

I hope you have a lovely day,

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  • Kat Impossible

    Well, that’s certainly one way to go about making your TBR look more attractive again haha I love it! I’ve only read one book mentioned here, but wasn’t the greatest fan of it, so I’m just going to keep my mouth zipped. I think I wasn’t in the right headspace to truly love it at the time.

  • Sumedha

    I was going to say hey The Bone Witch is on my TBR too and then I saw Ace so – LAY! READ ACE!!!! I’m reading it right now as part of my book club monthly pick and WHEN I SAY IT’S AMAZING! I’m annotating every page in my Kindle, and we know that it shows only three paragraphs at once, not even the whole real “page” in a paperback. I made a group chat with 2 ace friends to share annotations and discuss and we’re having so much fun. It’s so good! Highly recommend buddy reading or having people to talk to and react (my DMs are open too 👀)

  • abookowlscorner

    The only one of these that I’ve read is The Bone Witch – and I’m afraid didn’t like it at all 😅 However, I wish you much better luck with it! Also, Ace sounds like such a good read, so I’m looking forward to getting your thoughts on it – someday! 😁

  • Karla

    Purple is one of my favourite colors so I loved this! We talked about The Box In Woods and I can’t wait to read your final thoughts! And I’m really interested about Ace as a girl on the spectrum. And Blood Like Magic is sooo good, it’s a well-written and interesting story and I hope you enjoy it too! 🥰💜

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