Five Books,  TBR

5 Books I Bought Recently | A Book Haul

Over the past weeks, I’ve been very book-buying happy. In fact, I just got back from a trip to the bookstore! Anything to fill the void in my chest, right? I love snooping around my local bookstore! Finding new releases, walking past books I’ve been thinking of buying, and finding hidden gems. I think it’s safe to say that buying books is a hobby in its own right. Today, I am sharing five books I bought recently in a mini book haul! Let’s get into it.

Confessions of the Fox – Jordy Rosenberg

Confessions of the Fox Jordy Rosenberg Book Cover Book Haul

First in this haul is Confessions of the Fox. Admittedly, I picked this up purely because the cover is beautiful and it was in the LGBTQIA+ section, my favourite part of the store!

The plot seems to be a little hard to explain, but I’ll do my best. Basically, the book follows a researcher named Dr. Voth investigating a long-lost manuscript, following two thieves and lovers in 18th century London. The back cover copy describes this manuscript as “gender-defying” and the author is trans, so I am hoping for all the queer gender vibes in this book!

I love books with an unusual format and Confessions of the Fox fits right into that category. It’s told through the annotated manuscript with Dr. Voth’s story unfolding in the footnotes!

I’m incredibly excited to dive into this book and a little shocked that I had never heard of it before finding it at the bookstore!

Blood to Poison – Mary Watson

Blood to Poison Mary Watson Book Cover Book Haul

Next up, I bought Blood to Poison. The cover called to me so I read the synopsis and was like “yeah, I need this!”

The story follows Savannah, a teenage girl from a family with a curse. Every generation has a woman who dies young. And these women are known to be full of rage. Savannah is doomed to die as the anger gets stronger and stronger, can she manage to save herself from the curse?

As a lover of angry girls and stories about them, this magical exploration of female rage sounds incredible! This book promises to be a story about historical rage, magic, and family and I can’t wait to read it!

Win Lose Kill Die – Cynthia Murphy

Win Lose Kill Die Cynthia Murphy Book Cover Book Haul

If you’ve been following me on Goodreads or The Storygraph, you’ll know I’ve been on a YA thriller binge. So I picked up Win Lose Kill Die to continue that trend!

The book is set at the elite Morton Academy where suddenly students start dying. Clearly, some people are willing to go to incredible lengths to get to the top…

I love YA thrillers, especially those with a school setting! They’re always so fast-paced and full of twists and turns, perfect to read when I’m looking for something that’ll hold my attention.

I picked this up purely based on the synopsis and didn’t look at any reviews, so who knows if I’ll like it. But I miss picking up books I haven’t heard about so I’m eager to go in with no opinion!

Book Lovers – Emily Henry

Book Lovers Emily Henry Book Cover

Book Lovers is one of my most anticipated releases of the year! I loved both of Emily Henry’s previous books so I’m excited to dive into this one.

An enemies-to-lovers romance featuring a literary agent and an editor? Sign me up! I’m expecting all the swooning and banter and some fun publishing insights and all the bookish vibes.

I’ve been yearning for some contemporary romances recently because they tend to not stress me out as much as other books. And my life is stressful enough right now!

I’m excited to dive back into Emily Henry’s writing and hopefully join the hype surrounding this book.

Related: My Review of You and Me on Vacation by Emily Henry

The Library of the Unwritten – A. J. Hackwith

The Library of the Unwritten A. J. Hackwith Book Cover Book Haul

Finally, I picked up some fantasy!

The Library of the Unwritten is bookish fantasy, possibly the best kind of fantasy there is. Unfinished books get sent to a special library in hell. And well, all hell breaks loose when a protagonist escapes from his book and a librarian has to try and capture him.

This book sounds weird and whacky in the exact way I love. In fact, I’ve been eyeing this one for a while but it was only recently that my local store happened to have a copy!

I loved The Devil Makes Three, another book prominently featuring a library and bookish magic. So I’m hoping that this one can deliver similar vibes to me!

Let’s Chat!

And that’s it for my little book haul! I’m super excited about all these books, but we all know some of them are probably going to sit on my TBR for a while. Overall, I’m very happy with my selection and I love that a lot of them are books I hadn’t heard about on bookish social media! I love the feeling of discovering something new. Thank you so much for reading this post!

📚What’s the last book you bought?

📚 Have you read any of these yet?

I hope you have a lovely day,

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  • Kat Impossible

    Okay, real talk, the cover of Blood to Poison would have called to me just as well! What a freaking beauty! But the plot actually sounds just as good, so I’m really looking forward to your thoughts on it.

  • Louise @ Monstrumology

    Blood to Poison sounds so good! I love angry girl books and one with magic sounds perfect for me. And I’ve been reading a lot of thrillers lately so Win Lose Kill Die is going right onto my list 😀

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      oh yay, I’m glad I’m not alone with my love for angry girl books, they’re truly some of my absolute favourites. I feel like my brain is on a mission to seek out every YA thriller ever so I can’t wait to devour Win Lose Kill Die soon! And it’s fairly short as well which is always nice!

  • abookowlscorner

    I desperately want to read Book Lovers as well! Emily Henry has yet to disappoint me, and I just know she’ll deliver cozy feel-good vibes when I most need them! 🤗
    I’m afraid I wasn’t a big fan of The Library of the Unwritten at all, though 😅 However, I know plenty of people who love it, so don’t let my grumpiness deter you!

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      I’m so excited to read Book Lovers, it feels like the perfect summer book to relax with. And oh no, I’m sorry it wasn’t for you, I hate it when books are disappointing. I hope I find it more enjoyable than you did 😅

  • Caro @ bookcheshirecat

    I loved seeing what books you hauled recently! 🥰 I bought The Library of the Unwritten last year when I was on holiday and I really need to read it! I love the concept so much, it sounds really promising 😊

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      I almost started it as my bedtime read yesterday…and then figured that reading a thriller before bed might not be the best choice haha. But I’ll definitely share my thoughts when I do end up picking it up 👀

  • DoingDewey

    Wow! It sounds like you had an incredible book biting trip. I’d not heard of Confessions of the Fox either but with those cover blurbs and the fun format, it’s definitely going on my to-read list.

  • Sumedha @ the wordy habitat

    Ooh I got Book Lovers ALC and I’m currently listening to it! Although, I didn’t like the other two Emily Henry books so I’m not expecting to love this. Let’s see. Win Lose Kill Die sounds so interesting, looking forward to your review on it.

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      I’m saving it for “the right time” because I’m actually so excited to read it haha. So watch me simply not read it for another year because I’m worried it won’t live up to my expectations.

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