June 2022 Wrap-Up Feature Image

What’s Reading Anway? | June 2022 Wrap-Up

June sure was a month! It came and went and left me pretty much how it found me: stressed and a little confused about what day of the week it was. June was one of the slowest reading months I’ve had this year. I only ended up reading 2 new books! Subsequently, this Wrap-Up is short and sweet. Now, let’s talk about books and more in my June 2022 Wrap-Up!

The Books I Read in June

Tokyo Dreaming – Emiko Jean

Tokyo Dreaming Emiko Jean Blog Tour Book Review

My first read of the month was Tokyo Dreaming, one of my most anticipated releases and sequels of 2022. I was also lucky enough to participate in the official blog tour and you can read my review here!

I had such a lovely time with this book. I’ve come to truly love the world Emiko Jean has created. While I still love the first book just a little more, this sequel did what I hoped it would. Which is to say we get to meet new characters, see new relationships develop and old ones change.

Overall, this book was just delightful and June left me clawing for any shred of joy and ease I could get.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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The Midnight Ride – Ben Mezrich

The Midnight Ride Ben Mezrich Book Cover

Next, I listened to an ALC of The Midnight Ride that was on my backlog of books to review.

This story is essentially a heist thriller mixed with US revolutionary war history. As someone who doesn’t really know much about US history, those aspects didn’t do much for me but overall I enjoyed the book.

The characters felt incredibly flat and onedimensional but I liked them enough to finish the book. It’s definitely one of the least memorable books I’ve read this year.

You can read my full review here!

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Personal Update

June wasn’t the best month for me personally. I spent the first weeks procrastinating everything and being generally a more or less exhausted mess. Turns out, my antidepressants did nothing for me, despite increasing the dose multiple times. So with some delays, I am now on a new medication! Everyone please cross your fingers this one works for my brain.

I ended the month with a bang because I had my final oral exam for my theatre studies degree! Because I’m writing my dissertation (that we won’t talk about shh) in media studies, I’m officially done with theatre studies now. It feels incredibly anticlimactic, to be honest. However, I did ace the exam despite being incredibly stressed and uncertain about it! I promptly celebrated by getting my hair chopped off.

Yes, I am now sporting what I guess is a long bob? Today (when I am writing this) I also had my hair dyed for the first time ever! I got some very subtle blonde highlights that basically just make all of my hair look a little more summery and pretty.

As if getting my hair cut isn’t already an indication of my mental stability (or lack thereof), I also decided to do another 30 books in 31 days reading challenge in July…which is an incredibly busy month for me. What can I say, I like to balance out the Bad Stress with some Fun Stress.

Some Closing Words

And that’s my June 2022 Wrap-Up! While it didn’t feel like much happened at all and most of the month is already lost in the void of my memory, it wasn’t the worst month. I’m incredibly proud of how well I did on my exam and how I navigated my mental health in June. It’s not always easy but I’m trying my best! In terms of reading, July is already looking so much better thanks to my reading challenge. I’m really enjoying devouring books and even if I don’t complete the challenge, I already know it’ll be a great reading month. I hope all of you are having a wonderful July! Let’s have a chat in the comments ✨

⭐️ How was your June?

⭐️ Are you doing any reading challenges this year?

I hope you have a lovely day,

If you like my work and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee!


  • Karla

    I have never related more to the sentence “I like to balance out the Bad Stress with some Fun Stress” haha 😂 And congratulations for finishing your theatre studies degree! I love seeing your life updates on various platforms and I am a fan of the hair!! I hope July treats you kindly and that your medication works for you 🥰

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      haha I’m glad I’m not the only one who does that! And thank you so much, I’m so happy to be done with that part of my studies, even though finishing that exam (and thus that part of my degree) felt incredibly anticlimactic. I imagine sending off my dissertation in September will be similarly boring but oh well. I’m happy to report that the new medication seems to be working, I have a lot more energy than before and I’m pretty certain that it’s the meds and not something else so that’s nice! I hope you have a lovely July 💜

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