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Weekly Reading Update

Weekly Reading Update #5 – May 8, 2022

Welcome back to my weekly reading update! This one is particularly short because I barely got any reading done this week. Between general life stress and work, I spent most of my time falling down YouTube rabbit holes to relax instead of picking up a book. But without further ado, let’s get into this reading update!

What I Read This Week

I didn’t finish a book this week! Admittedly, I did have the urge to try and finish one before posting this update. However, I don’t want my reading to be dictated by some external pressure to read a certain amount to have something to show in my weekly reading update, so I deliberately decided against that! I think sharing my reading publically definitely influences my reading habits, but I want to be mindful of those changes. And cramming in a book just so this section isn’t empty is not the way I want to read!

What I’m Currently Reading

Most of this section is going to look familiar from the last weeks. It doesn’t usually take me this long to read books, but I guess in this season of my life my mood reading is stronger than ever.

I started listening to the I Kissed Shara Wheeler audiobook recently and I love it! I’m about 30% into it and it’s really good so far, exactly what I hoped it would be. It strangely reminds me of Paper Towns by John Green, just in terms of the themes of disappearances and who we imagine people to be.

I finally hit the 50% mark in Long Story Short and it’s getting better and better! As a theatre nerd having swoony scenes and Shakespeare themed banter really made my heart happy. I’m excited to see where this book goes now that the romance has started to develop more!

Unfortunately, I made no real progress in any of the other books I was reading.

The Week Ahead

Let’s take a moment to look into my reading future.

I’m currently trying a new planning system and am trying to implement a few new habits, one of them being reading 50 pages each day! This metric is a little harder to track with audiobooks but I’m mostly just trying to read every day. Hopefully, this means I make consistent progress on all my current reads. We’ll see how well this goes in my next update…

I think I’ll finish both I Kissed Shara Wheeler and Long Story Short over the next few days! Maybe that’s a lofty goal given my terrible track record, but a girl can dream.

Let’s Chat!

Thank you for reading my weekly reading update! Despite not reading as much as I wanted to, I’m enjoying all the books I’m dipping in and out of which is definitely a win! Let’s hope I can get some more consistency back into my routine.

📚How long does it usually take you to read a book?

📚What did you read this week?

I hope you have a lovely day,

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  • Caro @ bookcheshirecat

    Wishing you good luck with your new habits and goals! I Kissed Shara Wheller was also giving me Paper Town vibes, so it seems like I’m not the only one who thought that 😄 I hope you enjoy Daisy Jones! I read it last month and really liked it 🥰

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      I’ve talked to a few people who had the Paper Towns association as well, so we’re definitely not alone haha! And thank you, I haven’t continued reading it and I’ll probably restart it because I wasn’t that far in but I’m still very excited about it!

  • Karla

    Good luck with your reading! I recently bought the audiobook for Shara Wheeler and I can’t wait to read it too! Also Shakespeare banter for Long Story Short? Definitely adding it to my TBR! 🥰 And I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about Daisy Jones it’s in my top 3 favourite books ever!! 💕

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