March Wrap Up 2021

March Wrap-Up

Welcome to my March Wrap-Up! I had quite a busy month and didn’t manage to read all the books I had hoped (I’m currently in the middle of a few). But overall, it was a solid reading month! I finally read a hyped book, found a new favourite and continued a series. Without further ado, here are the books I read this month…

The Ravens – Kass Morgan and Danielle Paige

The Ravens Danielle Paige Morgan Kass Book CoverThe Ravens had all the dark and witchy vibes that I wanted and turned out to be an unexpected favourite of this month! You can read my full review here.

The sequel comes out early next year and I can’t wait to see what Vivi and Scarlett get up to. I have a feeling there are bigger and darker adventures ahead…

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Majesty – Katharine McGee

American Royals 2 Majesty Katharine McGee book coverI bought the first book of this series on a whim and had a lot of fun with it. March was a stressful month and my mental health wasn’t the best, so I really needed some comfort escapism and Majesty provided that for me.
I had some issues with it but ultimately it did what I wanted it to do. You can find my full review here.

As of right now, there are no plans for a third book in the series which is kind of a bummer. It left some of the characters in places in their arcs that I would’ve loved to explore further.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Wundersmith – Jessica Townsend

Wundersmith Jessica Townsend book coverAfter absolutely loving Nevermoor, I was so excited to continue this series! It’s so weird and magical and unexpectedly dark, exactly my style. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend you do, it’ll sweep you off your feet and make you laugh out loud! 

It definitely sparked me to seek out more middle grade books, an age group that is severely underrepresented on my shelf right now. I’m currently reading Hollowpox, the third book in the series and it is once again absolutely magical.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Related: My review for Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend

A Little Happier – Derren Brown

A Little Happier Derren Brown Book CoverI am a huge fan of Derren Brown’s stage and TV shows and already own his book Happy. However, so far I’ve never had the time and focus to sit down and read it, I’ve always been waiting for the right moment. A Little Happier is kind of like a summary of Happy. It goes through the main points of the book and provides quick and easily digestible insights into the ways in which stoicism might help us be happier. I listened to the audiobook (read by the author) and it made me want to read Happy even more! 

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Six of Crows – Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows Leigh Bardugo Book CoverFinally, I read Six of Crows! Everyone be proud of me, please. In all honesty, I was worried that this wouldn’t live up to the hype. Fortunately, I was proven wrong and I absolutely loved it! It was a lot darker than I expected it to be but I really enjoyed the gritty vibes of Ketterdam. The world building was my favourite part about Shadow and Bone and I’m glad to see it continues to be a strength here. So now I am officially prepared for the Shadow and bone Netflix show, yay! Plus, I already have the audiobook for the sequel lined up, let’s see if I manage to read it in April.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

And that’s my March Wrap-Up!
How was your month? Did you read any hyped books? Found a new favourite? Tell me about your reading month!

I hope you have a lovely day,


  • linesandlifemiriam

    I read two books and one of them was a graphic novel for children, but I‘m weirdly fine with it, to be honest 😂
    I‘m honestly so glad to hear your enjoying Nevermoor, it truly is such a creative series!
    Also? Seeing you enjoy Six of Crows 👀 am I picking it up? Maybe…
    Will also keep you posted on my thoughts on Majesty if you keep me posted on yours about Hollowpox 😂

  • bookshelfsoliloquies

    ok but that sounds like a super comforting read! Nevermoor has the exact mix of magical whimsy and sarcastis darkness that I love, it’s basically one version of the books I’d like to write one day! And Morrigan is such a cool character 😭
    Six of Crows was so much fun! It’s very gritty and dark in places but I absolutely loved it for that. And yes, as soon as I continue reading Hollowpox I will tell you my thoughts 😎

  • Sumedha

    Wundersmith’s cover had me going 🤩🤩🤩🤩 haha. Glad you were able to read some good books this month! Hope you have a great April 😊

  • Ashley T

    I love Derren Brown and I am embarrassed to say I had no idea he wrote a book (but of course he did because he’s a genius!). I will definitely listen to the audiobook as I enjoy his voice so much! Thanks for the heads up. It was a slower reading month for me, but I did discover a science fiction satire book that I absolutely loved called “Meta: Game On” by Xander Black ( This book has a much more adult “Ready Player One” feel as it’s about our bleak future with technology…. People are escaping everyday life on the Cybernet and obsessed with the world-wide fantasy gaming phenomenon, “Neverborn.” Friends Everett and Cyrus dedicate most of their time to rising in the ranks of the game until they become suspects a murder case! Virtual avatars of real-world celebrities start vanishing and in the real world the same celebrities turn up dead too. They are on a quest to clear their names and solve the murder mystery with our hero characters, Sir_Pendulous_Wang and Vanja, lol. This book is entirely tongue in cheek, super funny, well-written, and entertaining. With the way things are going with the Facebook metaverse…I don’t see this book being entirely impossible… I highly recommend it! If you check it out, I would love to hear what you think.

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