Fantasy Book Series I Want to Read

I’ll admit it: I’m terrible at reading series. It’s something I only really noticed when cataloguing my owned and unread books recently. At first, I told myself “oh well, I’m just a standalone kinda reader” and that might be true…but it’s also not the whole truth.

The truth is this: series intimidate me! Especially, when they’re fantasy. There’s a lot of information to juggle and particularly during pandemonium times, I’ve just not had the brain space.

“But why are you telling us this, Lay? You’ve clearly written a post all about fantasy series you want to read?” Yes, dearest reader, you’re right to wonder. The reason why this post exists is that while I may be terrible at reading fantasy series, I want to do it more! As overwhelming as they seem to me, I am also intrigued and the thought of getting to explore a world through multiple books is awesome! So I just have to get over my fear and finally do it.

So without further ado, here are a few fantasy book series I want to read!

The Bone Witch

Out of the series on this list, this is definitely the one I am most excited about. It just screams my name on so many levels! Witches, death, bones and necromancy vibes? Sign me up! Admittedly, I am also obsessed with the covers, The Bone Witch is definitely one of the prettiest books on my shelf! So many of my favourite bookish people absolutely love this series and I’m sure I’ll love it just the same. Bonus points: because the trilogy is finished, there is no waiting involved, I could just read all of them back to back!

You might also like: 21 Books I Want to Read in 2021

The Poppy War

It seems like everyone and their mother on my timelines has read The Poppy War already! I’ve been hesitating, not just because they’re big and complex books but also because they’re very dark and based on gruesome real events and honestly, I don’t think I’m emotionally stable enough for this series right now! So it’s probably gonna take me a while to get around to these books, but when I feel ready and have done enough research into the historical background they’ll still be there.

By the way, Tiffany wrote a great post that compiles everything you should know before reading The Poppy War!

The Beautiful

I bought The Beautiful because I had a bookshop gift card that covered it exactly, the cover looked cool and a booktuber I liked mentioned it. Unfortunately, it has sat on my shelf ever since. And I didn’t even know it was a series until fairly recently! Admittedly, I still don’t know that much about these books other than “I think there are vampires and it’s historical fiction, maybe?”. But that’s good enough for me and I’m excited to discover what they’re all about (hopefully soon).

Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Daughter of Smoke and Bone is another one of these series that everyone seems to have read! I know, I’m late to the game here. I’m pretty sure I have memories of seeing the first one at my local bookstore but not liking the cover and thus never picking it up. But that is changing! Right now, I just own the first book but I have a feeling I’ll love the series and am swiftly going to buy the rest of them, too.

The Daevabad Trilogy

And finally, the Daevabad Trilogy! I got the audiobook for City of Brass on a whim because I kept seeing people talk about it on Twitter. Honestly, this post is 90% just me going “I know almost nothing about these books but people I trust love them and that’s enough for me”. And I think that describes how I go about choosing which books to get pretty well. What can I say, I follow some pretty cool people who have waaaay better taste than me!

And those are the fantasy book series I want to read! It is by no means a complete list but mostly just books I own or can see myself read relatively soon (in mood reader speak that means “in 2 years”).

💀 Do you prefer series or standalones?

💀 what’s a series you’ve been meaning to read forever?

💀 Have you read any of these series and can tell me which one should be my priority?

I hope you have a lovely day,

Lay signature


  • Sumedha

    I used to be a HUGE fantasy series person, preferring long series. But uni has shredded my ability to go through series and I now mostly read only standalones. That too mostly romances because they make me happy and I don’t feel like I always have to use my brain with them. I feel disappointed in myself if I read fantasy and literary fiction without being ~intelligent~ lol. But that being said, when I DO read fantasy, I go all out and love them! TPW and Daevabad trilogy are two of my favs. I really want to read The Bone Witch but it’s not available in my country 😭

  • bookshelfsoliloquies

    I feel all of this so hard! Having to read so much for uni really cost me the brain cells that used to focus on 600+ page books…and that’s why I read fanfiction 😂 Honestly the conflation of certain genres with “being an intelligent reader” makes me so mad, it’s just another one of those things that gatekeeps our enjoyment of stories or makes us feel stupid if we don’t “get” a book when oftentimes, it’s not our fault or the book just isn’t for us! (I could go on a whole rant about this haha)

    I’m so excited to read both of those series!! And oh man, I’m so sorry to hear that 😭

  • Bianca

    I like duologies more than trilogies. To me it’s the perfect number of books. I need to finish The Burning God and I want to reread Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      ohhh, I’ve never thought if I have a preference for the amount of books in a series, that’s so interesting! I haven’t read that many duologies I think but my favourite is definitely the Carls series by Hank Green, that’s a perfect Duology in my opinion 😎 And yay for rereads!!

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