End of the Year Book Tag 2021 Feature Image
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The End of the Year Book Tag 2021

Welcome to my edition of the End of the Year Book Tag! This was originally created by Ariel Bissett on Youtube and I was tagged to do it by Kate, so please check out her post here. Let’s get into my answers!

Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

There are a few that I started and then put aside because I didn’t have the mental capacity to give them my full attention, so I’ll just be counting those!

Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?

Autumn has been here for a while now and technically it’s already winter, I guess. But I do want to read Ninth House, which seems absolutely perfect for the colder months!

Ninth House Leigh Bardugo Book cover

Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?

Pretty much all of my anticipated releases are already out because I’m writing this so late in the year! But I have heard good things about If This Gets Out so I’m curious to read it.

What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?

Apart from basically everything I’ve mentioned so far, here are some other books I’d love to get to!

The Things We Don’t See is one of my most anticipated releases of 2021! I love Savannah Brown’s debut novel more than I can express, so I’m both thrilled and scared to read her next book. To be quite honest, I’ve truly been procrastinating it which is very silly of me but oh well!

Traces is one of the death/forensic books I’ve been meaning to read for a while and it just hasn’t happened yet. It’s not a super long book which should hopefully help as well!

And finally, the fourth Stevie Bell mystery, another one of my 2021 anticipated releases! I’ve been saving this for much the same reason as The Things We Don’t See, I’m just scared it won’t live up to my expectations! I’m also tempted to reread the entire Truly Devious series before reading this book so…we’ll see if that happens this year!

A post you might also enjoy: The 5 Oldest Books On My TBR

Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favourite book of the year?

Both Ace of Spades and These Violent Delights are good contenders. But because I’m such a huge mood reader and am probably going to read anything but what I said I’d read, really any book could still shock me!

Have you already started making reading plans for 2022?

To be honest, no. I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to think about any reading plans for next year yet. All I know is that I failed almost all of my reading goals, yikes.

And that’s it for my rendition of the End of the Year Book Tag! If you haven’t done it already, please feel tagged!

What books do you still want to read this year? Are there books you’re scared to read because they might not meet your expectations?

I hope you have a lovely day,

Lay signature

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  • Kat Impossible

    I really hope you’ll enjoy Ace of Spades and Ninth House (well, all your reads, but those are the ones I’ve read myself)! Ace of Spades was so brilliant, while I have a bit more mixed feelings about Ninth House. It definitely wasn’t my favorite Bardugo book, but there’s some characters that really grew on me.

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      thank you! That’s exactly why I’ve been putting it off, too! 😂 But now that the hype has died down I’m more confident I won’t be influenced by it. So unless my mood reader self chooses something else, I really hope I can get to it this year… otherwise it’ll just immediately go onto my 2022 tbr 😌

  • vee_bookish

    I thought Ace Of Spades was a surprisingly fast read but AGGGTM was quite slow. I also need to read the Violent Delights series and I do not think I’m going to be able to squeeze it in by the end of the year. D:

  • Marie

    Ace of Spades! I really hope you’ll end up loving this book, it’s one of my favorites! If This Gets Out was also an amazing read, I can’t wait for you to read it 🙂

  • Sumedha

    Hope you enjoy Ace of Spades! It is definitely a good contender for becoming your favourite book of the year. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it.

  • tasya @ the literary huntress

    I really enjoyed Ace of Spades and These Violent Delights so I hope you’ll love it too! I still need to read A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and Truly Devious series- I’ve been into mysteries these past few months and have been hearing amazing things about the series!

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      The Truly Devious series is so good! It’s one of my all-time favourites because I love mysteries set at schools and books with fun characters (something which these books have a lot of). I hope you enjoy it whenever you read it!

    • bookshelfsoliloquies

      It seems everyone really loved Ace of Spades, so I’m even sadder I didn’t get to it yet! And I’m so glad to hear you liked The Box in the Woods, I chose it as part of my 12 books for 12 friends challenge thingy and I’m really excited to finally read it!

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