Text reads "Vox Machina - Kith and Kin by Marieke Nijkamp" on a light blue background. An illustrated skull is placed on top of the text. to the right, the book cover, depicting two illustrated half elves back to back, is displayed like a polaroid hung up with a piece of tape.
Book Review

Audiobook Review: Vox Machina — Kith and Kin by Marieke Nijkamp

Author: Marieke Nijkamp
Edition: audiobook
Publisher: Random House Audio (November 30, 2021)
Genre: Fantasy


Kith and Kin Marieke Nijkamp Book Cover

Vex and Vax have always been outsiders. A harsh childhood in the elite elven city of Syngorn quickly taught them not to rely on others. Now, freed from the expectations of their exacting father and the scornful eyes of Syngorn’s elves, the cunning ranger and the conning rogue have made their own way in the world of Exandria.

The twins have traveled far and experienced great hardship. But with the help of Vex’s quick wit and Vax’s quicker dagger, they’ve always kept ahead of trouble. Now, unknown perils await them in the bustling city of Westruun, where the twins become entangled in a web spun by the thieves’ guild known to many as the Clasp. Trapped by a hasty deal, Vex and Vax (along with Vex’s faithful bear companion, Trinket) set out into the wilds to fulfil their debt to the infamous crime syndicate.

As the situation grows more complicated than they ever could have imagined, for the first time Vex and Vax find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict that threatens the home they have carried with each other for years.

My review of Kith and Kin

Kith and Kin is an epic tale of family, trust and what we’re willing to do for the people we love set in a sprawling fantasy world you’ll love to explore.

An Epic Tale of Family, Trust and Truth

Marieke Nijkamp spins an epic tale that is enthralling for both returning adventurers and first-time visitors to the world of Critical Role. I was immediately hooked on the writing style. It’s poetic and grand and feels like a tale told around a campfire at night. It slots right into Matt Mercer’s narrations in the campaigns, providing a sense of familiarity with an exciting new edge.

Nijkamp creates a world that feels real and lived in, filled with multi-dimensional characters I couldn’t help but love. The world is so rich and layered, reading Kith and Kin made me feel like I had stepped into the world of Tal’Dorei myself. What adds to this is the way Nijkamp wields action and pacing, both with practised ease. Kith and Kin is kinetic in its descriptions of epic battles and hugs between siblings alike. The story envelops you and hijacks all your senses.

Personally, one of my favourite aspects of this book was how much backstory we get about Vex and Vax! When we meet the twins in Campaign 1 of Critical Role, they have already experienced many adventures. In Kith and Kin, we get to glimpse into their childhoods and upbringing. While I’ve had an inkling, getting to see exactly how they came to be so skilled with bow and blade and why Vex is an absolute champ at bargaining was delightful. Additionally, this occasional back and forth between the present and past keeps the pacing tight while expanding our understanding of Vex and Vax as characters.

The central conflict has depth and nuance and constantly makes you question your assumptions in a way that I found genuinely delightful as a reader. The themes of family, trust and truth are woven into every aspect of this story.

I also appreciated how casually diverse the world Nijkamp shows us is. Characters of different races, disabled side characters and queerness are woven into the fabric of the world. Vax is canonically bisexual and we get glimpses into different romantic relationships in his past.

An Award-Worthy Audiobook

I listened to the audiobook version and as an audiobook lover…Kith and Kin is definitely in my top 5 audiobooks! Narrator Robbie Daymond is magical and carries this story with confidence and ease while also somehow managing to play seemingly hundreds of NPCs with distinct voices. This way, the world Marieke Nijkamp created fully sprung to life around me. Additionally, Laura Bailey and Liam O’Brien reprise their roles as Vex and Vax and their dialogue seamlessly weaves in and out of the narration, adding an additional layer of richness. In short, this audiobook is pure magic.


Kith and Kin was exactly the kind of epic fantasy story I hoped it would be. I’ll happily buy both anything Marieke Nijkamp has written and will write (time to buy some books!) and any future Critical Role books because oh boy, time well spent! I’d also like to make a formal request for my whole life to be narrated by Robbie Daymond going forward. If we can make that happen that would be great, thanks!

This book is for you if…

…you like epic fantasy stories that still feel grounded in character
…you are looking for a book about family and identity that’s also a fun adventure

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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