March 2023 Wrap Up Feature Image

A Month of Rereading Books | March 2023 Wrap-Up

I’m back! Did you miss me? After taking a break from blogging and social media for almost a month, I am back to hopefully delight you with my endless screaming about books and writing! March was quite the month for me, there were many ups and downs and I ended up reading very little. Let’s talk about the books I read, and what I plan to do next month in this March 2023 Wrap-Up!

The Books I Read in March

Septimus Heap – Angie Sage

I was not kidding with the title of this post. March, like a lot of 2023 so far, was a month of rereads for me. Honestly, life has been busy and stressful and my mental health hasn’t been the best – all situations that make me reach for familiar books!

I revisited the Septimus Heap series in March and had such a fun time diving back into this world! As I am writing this in my childhood bedroom on a visit home for the weekend, I am actually looking right at all of these books on my shelf! All my copies are in German since I read them as a child and my English was not good enough back then but I actually listened to the audiobooks in English this time around. What can I say, I still love this world and the writing style and all the magical weirdness!

Revisiting childhood favourites is always an interesting experience because it often makes me realise what stories influenced my tastes and I can trace back certain elements of my own writing through all the books I grew up reading. What I took from the Septimus Heap books is definitely the strong writing voice and my love of strong magical women who love wearing purple!

While I really enjoyed reading the first three books, I’m not sure I’m interested enough to continue the series for a full reread.

Do you follow my bookstagram yet? Just click here and join me so we can talk about all things bookish!

Six of Crows – Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows Leigh Bardugo Book Cover

The other reread of the month is Six of Crows.

I don’t think this is particularly surprising, I am one of many people rereading this book after season 2 of Shadow and Bone came out!

As someone who hasn’t read beyond the first Shadow and Bone book and hasn’t read Crooked Kingdom yet, I didn’t have any source material to compare the new season to. However, while I did enjoy it I agree that it felt super rushed!

Now, I’m mostly excited to dive back into the Grishaverse and eventually read all of the books. I still have about 150 pages left in Six of Crows so I’m cheating a bit by including it in this wrap-up but I really wanted to talk about it!

Here’s a fun fact: up until yesterday, I haven’t bought a single book this year! And then I decided to use the money I had left on a giftcard to order Crooked Kingdom from my local bookstore so that I could read along with the audiobook as soon as I finish Six of Crows.

Honourable Mentions

Because I didn’t write a February 2023 Wrap-Up, there are some books I never talked about! Eventually, some of them will get their own posts and reviews, but for now, you can simply enjoy looking at all these pretty covers of some books I read recently.

A Personal Update

This is the part of the Wrap-Up where I give you an update on my personal life!

At the end of February, I decided to take a break from blogging and social media. My plan was to spend that time recharging my creative juices and creating fun content for when I came back. Unfortunately, my March started with me catching Covid. I sort of hoped that I would be spared after three years in this pandemic, but I guess not. Recovering took me the better part of the month and it’s really just been the last week where I’ve felt like I’m back to my normal energy levels.

In the meantime, I played an absurd amount of My Time at Portia and My Time at Sandrock, watched a bunch of TV shows, continued my Critical Role Mighty Nein rewatch, and was generally mostly a human blob. Not much reading outside of the few audiobooks I mentioned because I just wasn’t up for it.

Now, I’m back and honestly very excited to get back to creating! I missed blogging and reading everyone else’s posts (I have been so bad at blog hopping, it’s embarrassing) and being around on Instagram. I actually have a little content calendar for April that I’ll most definitely be changing up as I go but it exists! Look at me trying to be a creator with a plan!

Camp NaNoWriMo

Apart from hopefully being semi-consistent on the blog and my bookstagram this month, I’m also participating in Camp NaNoWriMo!

I will be working on the sci-fi project that I started in November during the “big” NaNoWriMo to hopefully turn it into something vaguely story-shaped. You can read more about that project and how the writing went in my Writing Update series.

My main goals for Camp NaNoWriMo and “Project Space Archive” as it’s currently called are:

  • figure out what this story wants to be
  • write an actual outline
  • start drafting/rewriting scenes with a goal of 15k words
  • have fun!

I’ll probably turn my usual reading updates into reading and writing updates for the month to keep you up to date with how writing is going! It might just be me crying about words not making sense though, you have been warned.

Oh, and if you’re also participating and would like to be buddies on the NaNoWriMo website, you can add me here! Let’s write together! ✨

Let’s Chat!

And that’s it for my March 2023 Wrap-Up! Is 2023 just going to be the year of rereading books for me? Possibly. But in April, I hope I can read some new releases and books that have been sitting on my TBR for a while, I have to mix it up a little!

As always, I love hearing from you so let’s have a chat in the comments!

⭐️ How was your reading month?

⭐️ Do you ever revisit books you loved when you were younger?

I hope you have a lovely day,

If you like my work and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee!


  • dbsguidetothegalaxy

    I loved reading the Septimus Heap series as a kid! Never finished so I have no idea where I read up to and also vaguely remember those that I did read 😄 I read Never Ever Getting Back Together earlier this year and had a fun time with it.

  • abookowlscorner

    I loved Septimus Heap as a kid! 🥰 So yes, I obviously still revisit them! Marcia is a huge favorite of mine as well, so I totally get you adoring her purple obsession! Have you also read the TodHunter Moon series? I was initially a bit skeptical about Septimus Heap getting a spin off, but I really like what those books ended up adding to the world and being back with all these characters 🤗

    Also, I am sorry you were sick throughout most of March. Fingers crossed for a much better April!

  • Clo @ Cuppa Clo

    Ah welcome back to blogging, I’ve missed your posts and instagram stories 🥺 Funnily enough between February and March I reread one of my favourite series, which I originally read back in 2020. Pleased to say I still thoroughly enjoyed my time rereading it hehe. There’s something comforting about rereading books, I definitely tend to reread when I’m feeling overwhelmed or craving familiarity from a book/world or characters. My reading month in March consisted of the last 4 books to the series I was rereading (The Guild Codex: Spellbound) along with The Shadowglass by Rin Chupeco. So I have finally finished The Bone Witch trilogy and it’s now one of my all time favs ^.^ Good luck with your writing project too, excited to see your updates on the blog/instagram for it!

  • Caro @ bookcheshirecat

    I really need to reread Six of Crows as well! I’m almost caught up with the Grishaverse, I’m just missing Rule of Wolves 😄

    Sorry to hear that you caught Covid, I’m glad to hear that you’re recovering and hope you slowly feel better 💕

    Good luck with Camp NaNoWriMo!

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